Informations pratiques


Each oral presentation should last no more than 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions.

For the poster, we recommend a portrait format A0 maximum (118,9 cm height x84,1 cm width).



Paris has a well-developed network of public transportation (RATP). It includes the métro (within Paris intra-muros and nearest cities), RER (suburban express railway), tramways and buses. Alternatively, you can also hire a bike (“Velib’”), or try to catch a taxi (if you are of the patient type!).

For detailed information, visit the websites of the RATP and of the Visitors Bureau. Click for maps or itineraries. See also the Kit to become a true Parisian !

Here is some basic information for your arrival and your stay in Paris:

From airports to Paris

There are many ways to reach Paris from the CHARLES DE GAULLE (CDG, north of Paris), or ORLY (south of Paris) airports. See the RATP website.

See also the websites of Aéroports de Paris, and RATP itineraries.

Getting around in Paris and the suburbs

It is very easy to get around in Paris by public transportation. The RATP network is dense and wherever you want to go, you will find a Metro (M), a RER, a bus or a tramway (T) to bring you to your destination. All your need is a transport ticket and the RATP map.

You can obtain a map, for free, in all information desks and ticket offices present in most of Metro and RER Stations. See also the maps online for Metro and intra muros buses.


Tickets and fares

Transport fares are depending of the rate zones you are travelling from, through and to. Rate zones are organized in concentric circles around Paris. Zones 1-3 correspond to Paris intra muros and the nearest suburbs and so on, till zone 5 and 6, which cover the outlying suburbs (see Understanding the zone system).  

The formule you will choose depend of the location of you hotel, the duration of your stay in Paris, travel passes and prices here.

Within Paris and the nearby suburbs (zones 1-2), one ticket t+ (2,10 €each unit, with a saving of 20% for a pack of ten) will allow you one journey using a Metro, a RER, a tramway or a bus. It includes all connections between Metros and RER within Paris (underground network), OR between bus and tramways (outside network), and it takes you till the end of the Metro lines (not the RER) even if located in zone 3.

You CAN’T use the same ticket t+ for a connection/transfer between a Metro and a Bus, or between a RER and a tramway.

When you change from a Metro to a RER, and to go out of the RER, you have to validate again the SAME ticket. Don’t loose it during your journey!


You CAN’T use a ticket bought on board (Single ticket, without the t+) for a connection/transfer.


All details regarding transfers with a Ticket t+ here.


To go outside Paris (Zones 3-5), you have to buy tickets for your specific destination, price varying accordingly with the distance -point-to-point ticket).

Check on RATP website the other possibilities for short stays, like weekly navigo pass or Visitor pass (unlimited access for 1, 2, 3 or 5 days within zones selected), which can be interesting if you get around a lot, otherwise ticket packs (10 tickets) are a better solution.

Where to buy tickets and travel cards

You can buy all kind of tickets for Metro and RER at automatic machines (credit cards and change) and in the ticket offices present in the main Metro/RER stations.

In the bus, you CAN’T buy ticket directly from the driver (since the Covid). You can by the ticket with text message (see here), i twill be a single ticket for your journey, and will be more expensive than the ticket t+.                                



There are several websites to help you finfing your appointment near the MNHN:

For lower price accomodation


Here is a selection of no star hotel:

Hôtel du Pont Neuf [Paris 01er], from € 107.12/night

Hotel Anya [Paris 11ème], from € 92.70/night

Hotel Rivoli [Paris 04ème] from € 97.44/night


For auberge de jeunesse/youthhostel :

For couchsurfing:




There are many brasseries and cafés, as well as cheap fast-food restaurants (kebab, Libanese snacks, bakeries, and sandwich shops) around the MNHN, for example :

- near the Métro stations Jussieu (Metro 7, 10), just next to the Jussieu (Paris8/Marie-Curie) University.

- near Censier-Daubenton (M7).

- rue de Mouffetard, good place to have diner or a drink in the evening or at night !


See the map below.




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